Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo (Mar 2016)

Aristocratic Sinomania: The SNM Museum Červený Kameň and its collection of Chinese porcelain (Vplyv sinománie na budovanie šľachtických zbierok – zbierka čínskeho porcelánu v SNM-Múzeu Červený Kameň)

  • Nikola Maliňáková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 71 – 96


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This paper analyzes the influence of Chinese culture on the lifestyle of European aristocrats which ranged from adoption of certain elements from the Chinese culture to an outright Sinomania which led to such fads as designing homes in the chinoiserie style or collecting Chinese artifacts, especially porcelain. The latter not only showed that the owner followed the latest fashions, but it also displayed their wealth and high social status. In this paper, we analyzed one such collection currently house in the SNM Musem Červený Kameň providing a detailed description of selected items
