Poljoprivreda (Dec 2009)
The aim of this paper is to establish support systems which would resolve the supervision and control of the management plan, ensure sustainability of quality products and create conditions for stability of income. The study was carried out over five hunting seasons (2004/2005 to 2008/2009). Research area was hunting ground „Podunavlje - Podravlje XIV / 9," lowland type, altitude 65 to 120 m, situated between the rivers Danube and Drava in Baranja. The total area within the boundaries of the hunting ground is 26,810 ha. Field data are classified into the following age and sex classes: calves, yearling females, hinds, yearling males, males 3, 4 and 5 years old, males 6, 7 and 8 years old, and males 9 years old and older. The observed parameters were: the net body weight, fertilization, fetus length and weight, the length of the antler branches, the length of the third tine, the number of tines, weight and value of the antlers in the CIC. Statistical data processing and distribution of values of the parameters were established for each age and sex class. The values of parameters are the selection standards that should be reached by deer of every age and gender, or standards within which the values of certain parameters should be in order to enable support with which, together with selection shooting, clear standards can be set for the observed population. Parameter selection for calves is body weight. The accuracy of selection is monitored according to net body weight. Arithmetic mean of net body weight of calves is 37.77 kg. Yearling females were selected on estimates of body mass. A kind of threshold net body weight was established that is required for mating and successful fertilization. Net body weight that yearling females must achieve in order to be fertilized is 55 kg to 60 kg. Arithmetic mean of net body mass for yearling females is 53.13 kg, and the fertilization rate 47%. For hinds it is essential to maintain body weight around the mean body weight, while the fertilization rate remains above the value estimated on the basis of research, and it connected with the stability of the population. The arithmetic mean of net body mass of hind is 71.15 kg and that weight is a guarantee of 70% and higher rate of fertilization. Males in the second year of life are estimated on the basis of body weight and length of branches. The arithmetic mean net body weight is 66.46 kg. Mean length of branches is 238 mm. The arithmetic mean of antler mass, which is 895 grams, was used as a corrective factor. Males 3, 4 and 5 years old have the net weight of 95.30 kg, the length of the branches of 668 mm, the length of the third tine 205 mm, and the number of tines 4 per branch. The weight of the antler is 2908 grams. Males that are 6, 7 and 8 years old have the mean net weight 126,51 kg, the length of the branches 965 mm, the length of the third tine 323 mm, 6 tines per branch and the value of CIC - 178.93 points. Corrective factor is antler mass which is 6567 grams. The arithmetic means for economically mature males, that is 9 years old or older males, amounted to 1061 mm length of the branches, the length of the third tine is 401 mm, 7 tines per branch and the value of CIC - 203.61 point. The mean of antler mass, which is 8404 grams and the mean net weight, which is 138 kg were used as corrective factors.