Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2023)

Optimalisasi Produksi Protein Mikroba Rumen Melalui Suplementasi Ekstrak Tepung Daun Sengon (Albizia falcataria) yang Mengandung Tanin Kondensasi

  • Afzalani Afzalani,
  • Rahmi Dianita,
  • Sinta Apriani,
  • Raguati Raguati,
  • R.A. Muthalib,
  • Endri Musnandar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1
pp. 107 – 113


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ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalisasi produksi protein mikroba rumen melalui suplementasi ekstrak tepung daun sengon (ETDS) yang mengandung condensed tannin (CT). Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 7 perlakuan 5 ulangan menggunakan uji in vitro. Ransum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa rumput kolonjono (Brachiaria mutica) dan konsentrat. Perlakuan yang diberikan terdiri dari P0 = Ransum tanpa suplementasi ETDS (kontrol); P1 = Ransum + ETDS 1%; P2 = Ransum + ETDS 2%; P3 = Ransum + ETDS 3%; P4 = Ransum + ETDS 4%; P5 = Ransum + ETDS 5%; P6 = Ransum + ETDS 6%. Peubah yang diamati adalah pH, populasi protozoa, dan produksi protein mikroba (PPM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan taraf suplementasi ETDS yang mengandung condensed tannin (CT) tidak berpengaruh (P0.05) terhadap nilai pH, namun berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap populasi protozoa dan PPM. Terdapat pola hubungan antara taraf suplementasi ETDS dengan populasi protozoa dan produksi protein mikroba dengan model persamaan Y= -0,2896 x2 + 1,2583 x + 8,1633 (R2 = 0,84) dan Y= -0,0764 x2 + 0,41x + 0,8257 (R2= 0,67). Suplementasi ETDS di atas taraf 3% memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan populasi protozoa. Sementara itu, produksi protein mikroba terus meningkat sampai level suplementasi ETDS pada taraf 3 % dan selanjutnya mengalami penurunan. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi ETDS pada taraf 3% mampu menghasilkan produksi protein mikroba yang tertinggi. Populasi protozoa mengalami penurunan pada suplementasi ETDS pada taraf di atas 3%. (Optimizing the production of rumen microbial protein through supplementation sengon leaf extracts (Albizia falcataria) containing condensed tannin) ABSTRACT. This study aimed to optimize the rumen microbial protein production through supplementation of sengon leaf extract (SLE) which contains condensed tannin (CT). The study arranged in completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 7 treatments and 5 replications using in vitro test. The ration used was kolonjono grass (Brachiaria mutica) and concentrate. The treatments consisted of P0 = Ration without supplementation of SLE (control); P1 = Ration + 1% SLE; P2 = Ration + 2% SLE; P3 = Ration + 3% SLE; P4 = Ration + 4% SLE; P5 = Ration + 5% SLE; P6 = Basic Ration + 6% SLE. The observed variables were pH, protozoa population, and microbial protein production (MPP). The results showed that the supplementation of SLE containing CT did not affect (P0.05) the pH value, but significantly (P0.05) affected the protozoa population and MPP. There was a relationship pattern between the supplementation level of SLE with the population of protozoa and MPP with an equation model of Y= -0.2896 x2 + 1.2583 x + 8.1633 (R2 = 0.84) and Y= -0.0764 x2 + 0.41x + 0.8257 (R2= 0.67). Supplementation of SLE above 3% indicates a decrease in protozoa population. Meanwhile, MPP continues to increase until the supplementation level of 3% and subsequently decreases. From this study, it was concluded that supplementation SLE at the level of 3% was able to produce the highest production of microbial proteins. The protozoa population decreased in the supplementation of SLE at levels above 3%.
