Przegląd Archeologiczny (Sep 2021)
Siedziby pańskie na Śląsku w świetle źródeł pisanych. Studium nad średniowieczną nomenklaturą
The subject of this study is the nomenclature used in medieval written sources for small feudal residences. The majority of them are private foundations of vassals to the duke, i.e., knights and citizens of Wroclaw. A few examples are seats of village administrators, as well as rural mansions of knightly orders. Also examined are smaller objects (most having special functions) built by territorial rulers – namely, Silesian dukes and bishops of Wrocław. These objects were clearly different in their scale from the stately brick castles that played the role of princely residences or were otherwise part of the country’s administrative structure. In light of the materials collected, small feudal residences were mentioned in medieval Silesian written sources as: curia/Hof, curia habitationis, curia murata/gemauerte Hof, castrum/Burg/Haus, fortalicium/Feste, propugnaculum/Bergfried, turris/Turm, Gesesse, Sitz, Rittersitz.