Техника и технология пищевых производств (Mar 2015)
According to modern developments in dairy industry we had developed a technology of milk-fat product with a long shelf life i.e. «Healthy breakfast» butter with «Aloe Vera» and birch bark antioxidant complex. The purpose of our research was to study the microstructure of fresh-made «Healthy breakfast» butter ,the size of fat micrograins and plasma drops and their changes during storage. Microstructural studies were conducted using the «Leica DM 5000 B» electron microscope giving 200 times magnification. Preparations were made ready according to the«crushed drop» type. As a result of studies on the microstructure it was established that «Healthy breakfast» butter had a "grainy" structure. This butter possesses good ductility and heat resistance as compared to the control sample. Morphological element sizes of fresh-made samples of «Healthy breakfast» butter, and the control one were ranged from 0,5 to 3,0 microns and from 0,5 to 2,5 microns for fat micrograins and from 1,0 to 7,0 micron for plasma drops, respectively. In both samples fat micrograins ranging from 1,5 to 2,0 microns and plasma drops from 1,0 to 2,5 microns dominated. Differences in the size of microstructural elements of butter samples at the end of the term of storage were marked. Namely, the maximum diameter of fat micrograins and plasma drops in the control sample has increased to 5,0 microns that amounted to 7%, of the total number of drops and to 12,0 microns (5%), and in the examined one - to 4,0 microns (5%) and 8,5 microns (3% ), respectively. In «Healthy breakfast» butter, the total number of plasma drops having the size from 1,0-7,0 microns proved to be 30% larger compared with the control sample. Comparative analysis of the butter microstructure shows even and slow destruction of the structural components of the «Healthy breakfast» butter during storage. Consequently, the complex of natural antioxidants has a positive effect on the changes in the morphological elements of the product by inhibiting the oxidation process, thereby prolonging shelf life.