Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Dec 2019)
Evolution of Music teachers’ training in Poland in the process of development of pedagogical education
Integration of Ukraine into the European educational space necessitates solution of a number of complex problems, including modification of music-pedagogical education, taking into account historical experience of training music teachers in other countries. Taking into account the fact that educational traditions of Ukraine and Poland are very similar, a constructive study of the evolution of music teacher training in the system of pedagogical education of the Second Commonwealth of Poland seem to be timely. The article is aimed at revealing peculiarities of the evolution of music teachers’ training in Poland in the process of development of pedagogical education. In order to achieve this goal, a number of research methods have been used, in particular: analytical (comparative-terminological, historical-pedagogical (historical-genetic, retrospective), comparative-diachronic), structural-typological and empirical (conversations, discussions and e-mailing). The characteristics of the evolution of music teacher training in Poland as a historical reality is carried out in the form of historical-genetic analysis of a set of facts substantiating the theoretical ideas on such development, logical reconstruction of historical-scientific processes, identification of national specificity and All-European development tendencies, which allows us to predict the ways of modernization of music-pedagogical education in Ukraine. It has been proved that, throughout its historical development, despite constant socio-political influences of other states (Austrian, Prussian and Russian empires, later – USSR), Poland has tried to preserve national traditions of teachers’ training, which was primarily reflected in the developed structure, the variety of types of centres of pedagogical education, the search for its optimal models. It has been found out that under modern conditions, bifurcation processes in the systems of higher pedagogical and secondary school education lead to the weakening of the bonds between them. The impact of secondary school reforms on modification of pedagogical education, which is being brutally macadamized, is being greatly decreasing. At the beginning of the XXI century, an external (supranational) attractor – the Bologna Process – started influencing dramatically the development of the higher education system in Poland, in particular pedagogical which aims at ensuring the conformity of the structure and quality of Polish education with the European standards and European dimension of higher education. The results of the study include, in particular, identification of terminological differences in the works of certain Polish and Ukrainian scholars regarding the training of Music teachers; concretization of the heuristic potential of the laws of dialectics and synergetic approach concerning contradictory development of music training of teaches and pedagogical training of Music teachers in the context of historically conditioned changes within the structure of pedagogical education and cultural-musical needs of society.