‬‭Majallah-i ̒Ilmī-i Shīlāt-i Īrān (Feb 1993)

Surveying methods and quantity of small scale fishing in the western part of Hormozgan Province

  • T. Mazhari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 26 – 44


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The survey was conducted in the western part of Hormozgan province in the spring of the year 1370 (1991) and covered nine important landing centres in the area From east to west these centres are as follows: Bandar - e - Kang, Bandar - e - Lengeh, Bostaneh, Maghvieh, Hosseinieh, Garzeh,.Moghom, Lavan Island and Gavbandi.. Acquired results show that on average 306 vessels including122. boats, 153 launches and 31 sardine fishing boats named Ammeleh, has been active every month, During the investigation period, 2280 tones of various aquatics catched of which sharks (CARCHARHINIDAE sharing %16 (365 tonnes) of the Tidal catch ranked in the first grade. Also among The investigated center, Bandar - e - Kang with 84 launches and a total catch of 1409 tonnes was the most active. The most important gear used in fishing was gilinet, sharing %78 of the total catch......
