Folklor/Edebiyat (May 2021)
Bayan Orchestra Practice in the Context of Gendered Division of Labour: The Case of DJ Cannur / Cinsiyete Dayalı İşbölümü Bağlamında ‘Bayan Orkestra’ Pratiği: DJ Cannur Örneği
The gender division of labour is a phenomenon that projects masculine domination that pervades society. The gendering of occupations is essentially different from society to society. However, most cultures see music is seen as a male occupation At this point, “bayan orchestras”, musical practices that are done by women-only musicians and for women-only audience subvert social presumptions about the gender of conservative communities, which is both a result and reproduction of masculine domination. There “bayan orchestras” in conservative communities are results of banning women to dance in the presence of men. In this context; It is also not welcome for women to dance in entertainment with male orchestras. However, this situation is resolved by women performing music in the public sphere, which may not be welcomed, either. Thus, DJs and musicians who call themselves “bayan orchestra” emerge in response to the need for musicians in women-only entertainments, especially in conservative communities, such as henna nights. In this context, DJ Cannur, who provides bayan orchestra service” to mostly conservative groups in the Kemalpaşa district of İzmir, is our case study. This study aims to examine the “bayan” orchestra practice in the context of gender division of labour. In this context, first, gender division of labour and gender division of labour in music are examined. Afterwards, henna night as a gendered entertainment practice and the role of this ritual in the emergence of “bayan orchestras” are emphasized. Finally, an analysis based on interviews is presented.