Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии (Feb 2017)
Literature data and results of authors’ research on biological properties of corynebacteria of reproductive tract of women are analyzed. General characteristics of microorganisms is given. 20 species of corynebacteria are presented: C. amycolatum, C. aquaticum, C. aurimucosum, C. bovis, C. glucuronolyticum, C: coyleae, C.freneyi, C.jeikeium var. genitalium, C.jeikeium var. pseudogeni-talium, C. lipophiloflavum, C. kutscheri, C. minutissimum, C. nigricans, C. pseudodiphtheriticum, C. pseudotuberculosis, C. renale, C. striatum, C. tuberculostearicum (lipophile) (includes most CDC group G-2 strains), C. xerosis and C. urealyticum. Mechanisms and factors ensuring the ability of corynebacteria to exist in vaginal biotope regardless of microecological condition - the presence ofhigh resistance to factors of innate immunity (lysozyme, complement, immunoglobulins), pH-dependent adhesion to fibronectin and vaginal epitheliocytes - are examined. The role of fi-bronectin in adhesion of bacteria to vaginal epithelial cells is described. Corynebacteria exometabolites are shown to facilitate maximal realization of antagonistic activity of vaginal peroxide-producing lactobacilli by supressing catalase of opportunistic microorganisms-symbionts, that directly influences the quantity and structure of bacterial population by suppressing growth and biofilm-formation. The materials provided give evidence on the significant role of corynebacteria in realization of physiological phenomenon - colonization resistance and allow us to examine these microorganisms as an integral part of normal microbiota of woman reproduction tract.