Вісник НЮУ імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія (Dec 2018)


  • Вікторія Леонідівна Погрібна,
  • Ігор Валерійович Штана

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 39
pp. 65 – 75


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Problem setting. Today political sociology requires not only critical but also structural analysis of politics, creation of corresponding theoretical and methodological tool, one of major constituents of that there are research and prognostication of political relations and processes. Recent research and publications analysis. Actually political sociology as scientific direction was formed to the к middle of ХХ of century, when a few scientific schools consisted of study of cooperation of society and politics. Louis Althusser became the classics of political sociology works of followers of marxism and representatives of Frankfort school of А. Gramsci, D. Lukács, and laid the foundation of its institualization as science. The deeper sociological analysis of political relations is contained in researches by R. Dahrendorf, M. Horkheimer, H. Marcuse, Т. Adorno, J. Habermas, І. Wallerstein, P. Bourdieu. Therefore, the рaper objective was creation of theoretical model of sociological analysis of political relations. Paper main body. Social relations are considered as such, that related to the necessity of general satisfaction of various social necessities, that, in obedience to the law of increase of necessities, is basis of development of society and providing of his integrity. Thus, a social sphere is a place cooperation of people, social behavior of that determines integrity of society. Political relations are related to the necessity of imperious settlement of social relations for the sake of their optimization in the process of achievement of general aims. Accordingly, political sphere - it the place of rivalry of people and task forces for a right to realize own interests by means of power. The functional component of the political system, that includes methods, methods, directions of development of political relations, is the political mode. As a worker there was select determination of prof. J.-L. Quermonne. He determined the political regime, as "... aggregate of elements of ideological, institutional and sociological order, that assist forming of political power of this country on a certain period". Our choice is base on that description of the political mode in any state determines the actual picture of principles of organization of political sphere of society. On the basis of content-analysis of publications of 10 Ukrainian electronic MASS-MEDIA and 8 official internet-portals of state and non-state organizations in 2018 the vector model of political relations that determine the political regime in modern Ukraine is worked out. The analysis carried out in the article allowed to reach the following conclusions of the research. Political relations form the core of any social system, regulate and counterbalance the centripetal and centrifugal forces that ensure its integrity and sustainable development. The research of these relations exclusively by political scientists artificially narrows the problem. Sociological analysis allows to reveal their static and dynamic characteristics, because on the basis of research of political situations (social statics) determines political plots and predicts political changes (social dynamics). The combination of static and dynamic analysis principles can be compared with the process of creating video. Each individual character characterizes a certain socio-political situation, the main actors and the nature and conditions of their interaction, and the sequence of such personnel forms a complete systemic understanding of the "plot", the dynamics and basic parameters of socio-political processes and relations in society.
