BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)

Life strategies of plants of meander bars

  • Shakleina Marya,
  • Savinykh Natalya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38
p. 00113


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The article generalizes the data on life strategy of plants in meander bars by the example of the species Limosella aquatica L., Silene tatarica (L.) Pers. and Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb., taking into account their life span and centres of environmental impact of a specimen, as well as peculiar features of sustaining a coenopopulation. The annual monocarpic L. aquatica combines its typical ruderal strategy of leaving numerous posterity with vegetative accrescence and iterative branching. The taproot perennial S. tatarica shows a competitor-ruderal strategy: plants entrench themselves and repeatedly territory development the help of root systems, still the coenopopulation (CP) is sustained by means of seed propagation and, possibly, as a kind of support, in a vegetative way, using a bank of dormant buds. Ruderal-competitor strategy of P. spurius is supported by vegetative propagation, development, and entrenchment on the territory by means of clones constantly and regularly renewed. So life of plants belonging to different biomorphs in conditions of meander bars is provided by a full or partial shift to ruderal life strategy.