Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2008)
Komasacije zemljišč ob gradnji infrastrukturnih objektov v Prekmurju : Land Consolidation In Connection With The Construction Of Infrastructural Objects In Prekmurje
SI: Komasacije zemljišč so se v svoji dolgi zgodovini do današnjega časa razvile v celovito orodje razvoja podeželja z večnamenskimi cilji, ki lahko poleg razvoja kmetijstva omogoči izboljšanje infrastrukture, večjo zaščito naravnega okolja in izvedbo različnih projektov vzpostavitve rekreacijskih območij. Medtem ko v razvitih evropskih državah z dolgo tradicijo komasacijuvajanje nekmetijskih ciljev pogosto že presega ozke kmetijske cilje, se to v Sloveniji žal še ni pomembno uveljavilo v praksi. Komasacije imajo v Sloveniji še vedno negativen sloves zapletenih ter dolgotrajnih in težavnih postopkov. Slednje je eden od glavnih vzrokov, da se jim že na kmetijskem področju namenja bistveno premalo pozornosti in s tem tudi sredstev, za izrabo komasacij za doseganje nekmetijskih ciljev pa je interesa in predvsem konkretnih dejavnosti pristojnih služb še manj. Območje v Sloveniji, ki je vsaj delna izjema, je Prekmurje, kjer se predvsem v zadnjih 30 letih komasacije dokaj stalno izvajajo in uspešno zaključujejo. Predmet članka je kratek opis zanimivih značilnosti in posebnosti nekaterih primerov izvedbe komasacij v Prekmurju ob gradnji velikih infrastrukturnih objektov državnega oz. mednarodnega pomena, kot so železnica, avtocesta in regulacija dolgega vodotoka na državni meji.EN: Land consolidation has been transformed through its long history up to present time into a comprehensive rural development instrument with multi-purpose objectives, which can additionally contribute to the improvement of the infrastructure, enhancing landscape and nature protection, and implementation of various projects for recreation purposes. While in the developed European countries with a long tradition of land consolidations the combined non-agricultural goals of land consolidation often exceed the narrow agricultural goals, such trends unfortunately haven’t been established significantly in Slovenia. Nowadays, land consolidation in Slovenia is still mostly negatively associated with terms like complication, long duration and difficulties of the procedures. This is also one of the main reasons why land consolidation in Slovenia has not got the deserved attention and the necessary finances in the agricultural area, while in the areas of non-agricultural land consolidation goals the interests and activities of the competent organizations are even lower. The only region in Slovenia, which is at least a partial exemption to this rule, is Prekmurje where land consolidation projects have been constantly implemented and getting successfully completed in the last 30 years. The subject of this paper is a brief description of interesting characteristics and specialities of some land consolidation projects in connection with the construction of large infrastructural objects of national and international significance, like the national railways, national highways and a regulation of a long water body borderline along the Slovenian state border in Prekmurje.