Storia delle Donne (Dec 2012)
Le donne e lo studio della Torà in epoca tardo-antica: genesi e nemesi di un’esclusione
The first part of this article analyzes, from a new perspective, the Biblical and Rabbinical passages upon which the exclusion of women from Jewish traditional study has been founded. By thoroughly reviewing the sources, the author draws the conclusion that, neither in the Bible nor in the Talmudim, any unequivocal prohibition can be found against women’s study, but only an exemp- tion. Against this “open” textual tradition of written and oral law, in Medieval and Renaissance codification works the exclusion was generally sanctioned, according to contemporary prevailing culture. And afterwards the poskim (deciders) have increasingly stressed the dichotomy between a “practical” study —permitted to women— and a “theoretical”, systematical, “Talmudic” study — prohibited to them and exclusively reserved to men. In the second part, the author casts a glance to the achievements of contemporary feminist Orthodox movement, especially in the field of Academic and Talmudic study for women, who can hopefully contribute to a new reading of texts and to the making of Jewish religious discourse itself.