Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry (May 2024)
Telomeres Response To Lifestyle – A Review
Decades of research has proven the significant role of telomeres in genomic stability and normal cellular function. Telomeres wrapped the end of chromosomes but start altering before birth and continue till adulthood by multiple socioeconomic and environmental factors or exposomes which reduces length with each cell division. An average normal cell has hay flick limit of average 50 divisions. Long expected ages are seen in children of people who practice late parenthood and can also pass this to their grandchildren. Current data on air pollution exposure confirms that the particulate matter(PM) especially PM2.5 and PM10 generating reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, DNA guanine oxidation, mitochondria NADPH-oxidase function and stimulation of inflammatory cells plays a significant role in chronic health effects. Exercise can combat aging by instigating 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in muscles causing cell proliferation without making them immortal. Healthy Mediterranean diet and appropriate use of vitamins are supportive in reducing life threatening diseases. This review highlights recent knowledge and discoveries regarding the telomeres, with a focus on the latter-day factors altering its length.