Сучасні медичні технології (Apr 2019)
The platelet-rich plasma influence on the inflammatory process in proliferation stage
One of the known methods of treatment is biomesotherapy, in which the patient’s own biomaterials are used for injection. It ensures complete biocompatibility and practically eliminates the possibility of beginning the allergic reactions. One of the options for mesotherapy is the using of Plasmolifting TM (plasmolifting) – commercially patented title of PRP-therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma), which involves the using of an injection form of platelet-rich plasma. Purpose of the study. Increase the efficiency treatment phlegmon of the maxillofacial area and neck with the help of impact of autoplasma rich in platelets on the proliferative phase. Materials and methods. We carried out the diagnosis and complex treatment of 80 patients with odontogenic phlegmons who were hospitalized in the Department ofMaxillofacial Department. surgical and therapeutic dentistry State Institution «Zaporizhia Medical Academy of post-graduate education Ministry of Health of Ukraine». The patients were divided into 2 groups: 1st group – 25 patients, their treatment was carried out by the traditional method and 2nd group – 55 patients among whom platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was added to the treatment at the repair stage. Conclusions. Treatment in this way accelerated the course of the healing process due to the additional reparative and proliferative effects of such therapy.