Educação & Realidade (Mar 2018)

Corporeality Philosophy: transversalizing of an intense becoming body

  • Andreia Mendes dos Santos,
  • Fábio Soares da Costa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 43, no. 1
pp. 223 – 237


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This essay discusses the relationship between body and health in the exercise of social life, presenting possibilities of body perception from a paradigm that focus on emotions, sensitivities and affectations. The rationalist paradigm of modernity is nowadays tensioned by a contemporary science that considers the sensitive experience, not fragmenting body and mind anymore; on the contrary, considering themselves as a place for education, for the construction of thought and knowledge. The cult of the body and care for this one are approaches that cause different states among themselves when dealing with education and health, so the hierarchical and vertical privilege, before modernity and now, inverted, in the contemporary times, needs to be rethought.
