E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2025)

The effect of airflow on HAIs risk in hospital: A review

  • Kristiawan Ardjito,
  • Suhartono Suhartono,
  • Adhipireno Purwanto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 605
p. 03021


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HAIs (Healthcare Associated Infections) are infections that are acquired when a person (host) receives health services that result in increased cost, extended Length Of Stay, and even death. This paper review a way to reduced the risk of airborne HAIs transmission based on a number of journals on management that regulates incoming and outgoing air to eliminate or reduce the number of infectious agents in indoor air to reduce the incidence of HAIs through indoor air management in health care. Ensuring that indoor air quality is good with sufficient ACH and low AOA, so that it is safe for patients, staff, and others who are at the health care location.