Transport Problems (Jun 2022)
TRANSPORT PROBLEMS 2022 Volume 17 Issue 2 PROBLEMY TRANSPORTU DOI: 10.20858/tp.2022.17.2.02 Keywords: negative ions; car ionizer; mathematical modeling; comfort of car passengers Mykola BILIAIEV1 , Oleksandr PSHINKO2 , Tetiana RUSAKOVA 3 *, Viktoriia BILIAIEVA4 , Aleksander SŁADKOWSKI5 MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE AEROION MODE IN A CAR Summary. In this study, a mathematical method is proposed for calculating the concentration field of air ions of different polarities and dust levels in the passenger compartment, taking into account the geometry of the passenger compartment and seats, shelves, and other internal elements of the passenger compartment. The method also takes into account changes in the rate of the air flow ventilation, the location and number of ionizers, and sources of positive ions and dust, taking into account their different intensities and locations. On the basis of a numerical model for this method, software has been developed that allows users to carry out computational experiments without requiring much time for calculation. Based on the results, the optimal location of the ionizer in the passenger compartment of the car was determined to ensure comfortable conditions for the stay of passengers, which favorably affects their health. It has been found that the presence of two ionizers is optimal for creating comfort in the car with an ionization intensity of Qn = 0,47 × (10)^10 ions/s located at the top of the car. If there is one ionizer located on the dashboard or at the top of the car with a higher ionization rate than Qn = 0,21 × (10)^11 ions/s, it is not possible to simultaneously provide optimal ionization parameters for passengers in the front and rear seats of the car.