Sport Mont (Jun 2014)


  • Arben Osmani,
  • Mamaj Driton

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XII, no. 40-41-42
pp. 85 – 88


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Introduction: In this research the authors used a questionnaire of 8 questions of closed type, and 2 questions of open type. The basic aim of the research is to understand what young football players feel about their coach, team-mates and football as a sports game. Methods: The research involved 54 male football players who have active trainings in football clubs FC “2 korrik” in Prishtina. They are at the age between 14 and 16 and have active training experience of 2 years at least. After explaining the point of the research to the respondents, the inquiry that was of an anonymous type began. Answers to the questions in the questionnaire are presented basic statistic indexes: central and dominant value. Opinions of the respondents are represented through frequencies by chi-square test. Results: The results of the answers are represented in 2 tables and for better exposition they are presented in 8 graphics. The received answers indicate that it is the positive feeling that prevails among the football players with regard to their coach, team-mates and the football game. Particularly interesting answers are given to the two questions of open type. Discussion: On the base of the obtained answers, the results of this research show that the inquired football players have a positive opinion about the coach – his regularity, professional work and proper treatment of the players. Their opinion is positive towards their team-mates as well (coming on time for training, collaboration and friendship). In addition, the football players have a positive attitude towards football – desire for training, contests and expectation for a high success. References: Creswell JW (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches. Sage. Miller TI, Miller KM (2000). Ankete za gra¬đa¬ne: Kako anketirati građane, kako se služiti anketama i što one znače. ICMA, Wash¬ing¬ton. Murphy-Black T (2000). Questionnaire. The Research Process in Nur¬sing. Black¬well Science, 301–15. Rea LM, Parker RA (1997). Kreiranje i stvaranje an¬ket¬nog iztra¬ži¬va¬nja: kompletan vodič. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Singleton AR, Straits BC (2005). pproaches to Social Research. Oxford University Press, New York. Vekselberg, V. (2004). Priručnik za anketiranje građana. The Urban Institute, Zagreb.