Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social (May 2018)
Bases of the Right to the Education: The Social Justice and the Democracy
There have been many debates that have taken place and continue to take place around human rights, which are referred to denounce different realities and at the same time to demand and justify actions and policies that achieve that these are not a mere declaration. The present article is a reflection on the concept and practice of the right to education, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, considering that this cannot be limited to the right to access an educational institution, but it is linked to the concept of equality of educational opportunities. Realizing this principle implies a series of necessary actions in school contexts to ensure this right and principle to the entire population. We address these actions based on the concepts of social justice in education and democratic schools. The democratic schools are collective projects that enable social justice by directing their educational action to the structures of oppression, domination and exclusion, so it is necessary that the concretions made from the public policies and administrations of the right to education do so.