Psych (Sep 2023)
RMX/PIccc: An Extended Person–Item Map and a Unified IRT Output for eRm, psychotools, ltm, mirt, and TAM
A constituting feature of item response models is that item and person parameters share a latent scale and are therefore comparable. The Person–Item Map is a useful graphical tool to visualize the alignment of the two parameter sets. However, the “classical” variant has some shortcomings, which are overcome by the new RMX package (Rasch models—eXtended). The package provides the RMX::plotPIccc() function, which creates an extended version of the classical PI Map, termed “PIccc”. It juxtaposes the person parameter distribution to various item-related functions, like category and item characteristic curves and category, item, and test information curves. The function supports many item response models and processes the return objects of five major R packages for IRT analysis. It returns the used parameters in a unified form, thus allowing for their further processing. The R package RMX is freely available at