MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
Applying of a design methodology for a new mobility product
Product innovation involves an understanding of technology through the introduction of a product that is new or has significantly improved characteristics and intended uses with the purpose of upgrading or even changing, in this case, the mobility landscape. Although product development is creative in upgrading components, the implementation requires a systematic approach to guide the processes that must be taken into account and applied to achieve the implementation of a new product to market. To be successful it is important that the needs, preferences and limitations, be taken into consideration. In this paper, an optimized methodology for developing a new product is proposed starting from the existing ones. By investigating the current concepts of solutions to improve the ability to move physically, it is attempted to propose a typology to address the mobility problem. On a basic manual wheelchair, a system will be attached to ensure overcoming the obstacles and to guarantee the ability to negociate effectively.