Iranian Journal of Parasitology (Sep 2020)
The First Detection of Co-Infection of Double-Stranded RNA Virus 1, 2 and 3 in Iranian Isolates of Trichomonas vaginalis
Background: The Totiviridae family includes a number of double-stranded RNA viruses that can infect Trichomonas vaginalis. Some T. vaginalis isolates are infected with one or more double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses. In this study, different strains of double-stranded RNA virus in Iranian isolates of T. vaginalis were evaluated for the first time in Iran. Methods: Vaginal swabs were collected from 1550 participants who were referred to hospitals associated with Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran from June to November 2018. T. vaginalis isolates were cultured in Diamond's modified medium. After the extraction of nucleic acids using a DNA/RNA extraction kit, RT-PCR was performed and PCR products were purified and sequenced. Results: In general 9 (0.6%) isolates were confirmed as T. vaginalis among 1550 collected vaginal samples. Among 9 isolates of T. vaginalis, three of them were infected with TVV1. One isolate has multiple infections with T. vaginalis virus (TVV1, TVV2 and TVV3) as coinfection. The nucleotide BLAST indicated that the T. vaginalis virus 1(TVV1) isolates were most closely related to TVV1-OC5, TVV1-UR1-1.The T. vaginalis virus 2 (TVV2) sequence had also a similarity with TVV2-UR1-1, TVV2-UR1 and TVV2-OC3. The sequence of T. vaginalis virus 3(TVV3) had similarity with TVV3-OC5, TVV3-UR1-1 and TVV3-UR1. Conclusion: Three dsRNA viruses T. vaginalis virus (TVV1, TVV2 and TVV3) were detected using RT-PCR in T. vaginalis Iranian isolates. The coinfection of TVV1, TVV2 and TVV3 in one isolate of T.vaginalis was observed for the first time in Iran.