Cultura de los Cuidados (Jan 2019)
Abraham Maslow, human needs and their relationship with professional caregivers
Introduction: The Humanistic Psychology was the result of a process generated from the first national meeting, celebrated in 1962, of the American Association for Humanistic Psychology (AAHP) organized by Abraham Maslow, among others. This denomination, the one of Humanist Psychology, was the product of a heated controversy that shuffled very diverse names. Objective: Establish a clear relationship between the theoretical bases of Humanistic Psychology and those proposed by Nursing. Method: There was a "thorough examination" of each of the theories that define the different currents of thought. Results: But Has it historically contributed to the development of health science professions such as medicine or nursing? From the first moments, the conformation of the theoretical body of the Nursing, relied on the postulates established by Maslow, Dorsch and Rulla. The concept of basic human need in uniting with the theoretical models of Orem, Watson, King, Abdellah, Henderson, Levine, Roy, and Gordon identified a series of clearly defined needs. Vera Fry goes further, establishing the concept of nursing diagnosis, setting five areas of needs that allow to state the diagnosis.