Вестник Московского государственного областного университета (Jan 2023)
Aim. To prove the validity of the identification and determination of the frequency of use of linguistic means of expression used in political discourse by representatives of the Welsh political establishment of different genders, as one of the main determinants in distinguishing the features of femininity and masculinity of some types of political communication in Wales.Methodology. Based on the continuous sampling method, the authors selected the political texts of representatives of the ruling party of Wales, namely four female and four male politicians (interviews, speeches in the Parliament of Wales, speeches at public events in Wales, declaring messages /statements /appeals to citizens of the country, as well as open letters). Using the method of stylistic and contextual analysis of these texts, the authors carried out a search, description and analysis of linguistic means of expression in them, additionally applying the descriptive and comparative methods in this process. The calculation of linguistic means of expression was carried out through the use of a quantitative method with the subsequent interpretation of the research results.Result. By analyzing the lexical and stylistic-syntactic levels of political texts as a result of political communication by the Welsh statesmen chosen for consideration, as well as by analyzing the linguistic means of expression found in these texts, it is proved that the frequency of the latter, and therefore, and the preference of their choice for use by the gender representatives in some types of political communication and political discourse in Wales can serve as one of the determinants of the correlation of this discourse type with femininity or masculinity of political communication in this territory of Great Britain as a whole.Research implications. The results obtained confirm the importance of considering political discourse from the standpoint of gender linguistics, since the analysis of the lexemes and expressions used in it shows the probable conditionality of the use of the latter by the political communication speaker of a certain gender, which contributes not only to a more correct meaningful interpretation of various political texts, but also to their more effective creation. Moreover, the data obtained complement and expand knowledge in modern linguistics in the field of gender linguistics and stylistics. In particular, the results of the research can be useful in the framework of conducting courses on political linguistics, text linguistics, language theory, comparative linguistics, cultural studies, etc. Taking into account the speaker’s gender in political communication helps the addressee to better understand the intentions and strategy of the speaker, and the speaker is able to more effectively influence the potential recipient of the text in achieving their goals within the framework of the power struggle; therefore, all participants in political communication are more successful in carrying out such activities in their general socio-political context.