Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2017)
As tecnologias digitais na aprendizagem das crianças e no envolvimento parental no Jardim de Infância: Estudo exploratório das necessidades das educadoras de infância
Digital technologies are being increasingly used by parents and kindergarten teachers to perform learning activities with children, such as access the Internet, make an online search or play an educational game. The development of a technological platform that promotes communication and content sharing between parents and kindergarten teachers can enhance parental involvement in children’s learning and bring new dynamics to kindergarten classrooms. Based on interviews with four kindergarten teachers, this study aims to find out how they use technology in kindergartens to perform learning activities with children and share information with parents, in order to facilitate their involvement and participation. It also aims to understand how these activities could be expanded through the development of a digital platform with specific features. The results indicate that the platform should gather official information from the kindergarten and activities carried out with children, direct contacts of the parents, suggestions and links to educational resources.