Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Dec 2017)
Rafforzare l’Islam nella Turchia contemporanea: il ruolo femminile tra pubblico e privato
Since the 1980s, the Turkish Islamic Political Movement has been strengthening the religious community’s structures and values in a society secularized by the kemalist reforms. The revitalization process of Islam in the public sphere has been a crucial action. This has involved, for example, the launch of religious communication networks and an flourishing production and circulation of Islamic merchandises. The movement has awarded more importance to Islamic women in a political perspective and involved them in the transmission of Islamic values. They therefore acquire a function in the public sphere, as a preacher, etc, as well as keeping their traditional role of religious values custodian in the family context. I will examine here the historical process of Islam strengthening in the second half of the 20th century Turkey. Upon that basis, I will analyze the female role supported by government in private and public spheres.