Zdorovʹe Rebenka (Mar 2017)
Modern problems of treatment of Helicobacter-associated diseases in children: opportunities of adjuvant therapy
Background. The relevance of research is related to a significant spread of the pathology of the upper digestive tract in children, which in most cases is caused by the pathogenic effect of Helicobacter pylori (Hp). Modern eradication strategies require adjuvant therapy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the Lactiale symbiotic as an adjuvant therapy for eradication schemes in children of different ages with the pathology of the upper digestive canal. Materials and methods. Seventy children with Hp-associated pathology of the upper digestive tract aged 5 to 18 years were under observation. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the use of the symbiotic. The diagnosis was verified using fibrogastroscopy, endoscopic pH-metry, determination of Hp-infection, morphological examination. The results were statistically processed. Results. The results of using Lactiale symbiotic in patients of group 1 as an adjuvant therapy for standard pediatric Hp eradication schemes suggest the expediency and high effectiveness of such treatment. The dynamics of complaints, absence of side effects and good tolerabi-lity of drugs against the background of reception of a symbiotic were positive. The increase in eradication efficiency by 10 % compared with standard schemes corresponds to the results of other studies. The positive influence of the symbiotic on the processes of qualitative healing of ulcers and a significant increase in anti-inflammatory effect in patients of the main subgroup with peptic ulcer of the duodenum was determined. The low result of eradication, obtained in patients with functional disorders, can be considered predictable. This is evidenced by the latest conciliatory conclusions of experts: the effectiveness of eradication in patients with functional dyspepsia does not exceed 15–30 %. Conclusions. The use of the Lactiale symbio-tic as an adjuvant therapy for eradication schemes in children of different ages with Hp-associated pathology of the upper digestive tract is advisable, significantly increases the effectiveness of eradication, improves the tolerability of drugs, adhe-rence of patients to the treatment.