Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia (Jan 2022)
Aufgaben und Übungen im Verbund zur Förderung der phraseologischen Kompetenz im DaF-Unterricht
The important role of formulaic language at all levels of oral and written communication is an empirically founded certainty. This clearly shows that knowledge of formulaic sequences or multiword units are an important dimension of language mastery and an indispensable component of communicative competence in the foreign language. In this article, the term ‘phraseological competence’ is discussed, based on the partial competencies that constitute this area of knowledge. The definition of the term leads to questions concerning the language learning and its promotion in the classroom. Starting from the legitimacy of task-based learning in foreign language teaching, the question is addressed as to how this approach can be used in conjunction with form-focused instruction for the development of phraseological competence. Based on examples from classroom practice, possible applications and limitations of their combined use will be shown and reflected upon.