Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (Sep 2024)

A Multi-Center Study on the Implementation and Challenges of Nursing Three-Level Ward Rounds in Tertiary Hospitals in Shanxi Province

  • Shao Y,
  • Li Q,
  • Bian M,
  • Wang Y,
  • Zhang X

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 17
pp. 4441 – 4452


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Ying Shao,1,* Qianfei Li,2,* Meirong Bian,3 Yue Wang,1 Xiaohong Zhang4 1Department of Ophthalmology, Shanxi Bethune Hospital, Shanxi Academy of Medical Sciences, Tongji Shanxi Hospital, Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China; 2College of Nursing, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China; 3Nursing Department, Shanxi Bethune Hospital, Shanxi Academy of Medical Sciences, Tongji Shanxi Hospital, Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China; 4Nursing Department, Third hospital of Shanxi medical university, Shanxi Bethune hospital, Shanxi academy of medical sciences, Tongji Shanxi Hospital, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Xiaohong Zhang, Nursing Department, Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi Bethune Hospital, Shanxi Academy of Medical Sciences, Tongji Shanxi Hospital, NO. 99, Longcheng Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan, 030032, People’s Republic of China, Tel +86-13453443366, Email zxhxb2013@126.comBackground: The “Key Points of the Core System of Medical Quality and Safety” (hereinafter referred to as the “Key Points”) was promulgated by the National Health Commission of China in 2018, requiring that nursing ward rounds should be carried out with reference to the three-level ward round system; In 2020 and 2022 editions of the “Evaluation Standards for Tertiary Hospitals”, which were implemented in China, required that nursing ward rounds should be carried out with reference to the “Key Points”. Additionally, the Action Plan for Comprehensively Improving Medical Quality (2023– 2025) also mentions the need to improve the quality of three-level ward rounds. However, there are no detailed guidelines regarding implementing “Nursing Three-level Ward Rounds”.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the current situation of nursing three-level ward rounds in tertiary hospitals after the promulgation of the “Key Points of the Core System of Medical Quality and Safety” to provide insights and guidelines regarding relevant standards, so as to better implement of the requirements of “nursing ward rounds” in the “Evaluation Standards for Tertiary Hospitals” and “improving the quality of three-level ward rounds” in the “Action Plan”.Methods: A multi-center study was conducted in February 2024, including all tertiary public hospitals in the Shanxi Province, China. A questionnaire survey using the self-designed “Questionnaire on the Implementation of Nursing Three-level Ward Rounds” was carried out. The questionnaire included the basic information of the hospital and the implementation of the three-level (namely I, II, and III) rounds (including “five aspects”: ward round personnel, object, content, frequency, and record), which is expressed by quantity and composition ratio. Next is the text analysis method. First, the “five aspects” of the hospital that filled in the questionnaire survey with “nursing three-level ward rounds have been carried out” were assessed. Second, the five aspects of each hospital were assessed for consistency with the “Nursing Three-level Ward Rounds System” (hereinafter referred to as the “System”) of their respective hospitals.Third, the consistency of the “System” of the hospital with the “Key Points” was assessed. The results of the analysis of the former are expressed in terms of quantity and composition ratio; the results of the latter two were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test method to compare any differences.Results: Notably, 14 of the 67 tertiary public hospitals (20.9%) carried out nursing three-level ward rounds. There were 4– 10 situations in the five aspects of I, II, and III ward rounds filled in by the hospitals. The five aspects of the I, II, III ward rounds in 14 hospitals were significantly comparable with the “System”, which, in turn, was comparable with the “Key Points” (P < 0.05).Conclusion: Not all tertiary public hospitals in the Shanxi Province have not all carried out nursing three-level ward rounds. Furthermore, the five aspects of the hospitals that carried out nursing three-level ward rounds were not entirely consistent in terms of ward round personnel, object, content, frequency, and record. The filling in of the nursing three-level ward rounds carried out by the hospitals is inconsistent with the respective “System”; the “System” of the hospital is not in line with the “Key Points”.Impact on Nursing Work: Nursing administrators should be aware of the newly issued norms and requirements in their workplace, and revise the relevant systems in accordance with the norms and requirements in a timely manner. Additionally, the revision of the system should cover the core requirements of the norms and be practicable. The system should be supervised to ensure that 100% of the implementation is in accordance with the system.Keywords: nursing three-level ward rounds, tertiary hospitals, core system, current status of ward round, multi-center
