Journal of Agrometeorology (Jun 2015)

Evaluation of adaptation strategies under A2 climate change scenario using InfoCrop model for kharif maize in middle Gujarat region

  • H.R. PATEL,

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1


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Thirty years (2071-2100) projected climatic data under A2 scenario along with thirty years (1961-1990) actual observed data suitably adjusted to the baseline period were used for climate change impact study on maize cultivars (GM-3 and GS-2) in Dahod district of middle Gujarat. For purpose of evaluating different adaptation options, different realistic hypothetical set of crop management data such as additional irrigation, fertilizer and organic manure were used using InfoCrop model. It was found that two supplementary irrigations given at tasseling and silking stages increased 18 per cent yield over rainfed maize when it was sown during first July for cv. GS-2. The application of additional dose of chemical fertilizer (50 per cent extra) and organic manure + chemical fertilizer (50 per cent) at knee height and tesseling stages gave 10 and 8 per cent higher yield, respectively.
