Economic and Business Review (Dec 2020)
Usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja podjetnikov v Sloveniji: empirična preverba
Due to the nature of work-life balance, entrepreneurs cope greater challenges – the boundary between the two areas is heavily blurred in terms of time and responsibility. Understanding the mechanisms of balancing all entrepreneurial roles (at work and in the family) and the factors that influence the success of balancing is crucial for entrepreneurs and all those who think about the entrepreneurial path, as well as for those who form public policies to support and promote entrepreneurship. The main aim of the paper is to investigate the impact of the variables identified in the theoretical verification on satisfaction with work-life balance of entrepreneurs. Variables self efficacy and social support are emerging as the key factors. The main research question is how workplace social support and social support by family and the entrepreneur's self-efficacy affect satisfaction with work-life balance. The results of our study show that there is a statistically significant and positive association between self-efficacy and satisfaction with work-life balance. This means that entrepreneurs with a higher level of perceived self-efficacy are more likely to feel a higher level of satisfaction if they put more effort into work-life balance. Furthermore, there is a positive link between social support by co-workers and satisfaction with work-life balance, a positive link between social support by partner and satisfaction with work-life balance, and a negative link between social support by family and satisfaction work-life balance. There is a negative link between social support by co-workers and self-efficacy, a positive link between social support by partner and self-efficacy, and a positive link between social support by family and self-efficacy.