Медицинский совет (Mar 2022)
Stress and stress-induced disorders
Stress is one of the most significant and widespread medical and social problems in the world and it is the etiological factor in 80% of diseases. In the modern world any person is subject to the influence of stress, regardless of the age and gender differences, culture and social status. Stress is a non-specific reaction of the body to the extreme impact of various factors - stressors. As stressors can be: emotional, social, physical, informational and other factors. In functional and morphological terms, stress is manifests itself as a general adaptation syndrome which mobilizes the body’s resources in order to maintain homeostasis. Stress is characterized by staging. The early period of stress is manifested by transient anxiety, with a decrease in body resistance – it is the first stage of the adaptation syndrome. The second stage of stress is characterized by the functional tension of the body’s systems and adaptation to new conditions. In the case of prolonged stress, the body’s reaction becomes pathological, with the depletion of adaptive reserves and the failure of protective mechanisms. At this stage is increase a vulnerability to any stressors. There is a further violation of the consistency of vital functions, and persistent anxiety is formed. In overwhelming majority of cases, stress-induced anxiety is develop of psychovegetative syndrome. In the case when combined the strategies of coping (it is the second stage of the reaction to stress - the stage of resistance) with stress and if it is interrupted at an early stage, in such a way the somatic symptoms are also interrupted at the stage of autonomic dystonia syndrome. When the persistent stress is, we have a development of the third stage – exhaustion. And against the background of limited adaptive reactions, there is a psychosomatic pathology. The above determines the need for early detection of psychovegetative syndrome and its timely treatment. The optimal choice is the appointment of combined drugs for stress, which have anti-anxiety, sedative and hypnotic effects. The combination of phenobarbital and ethylbromisovalerinate is one of the highly effective and widely used for the relief of stressinduced anxiety and manifestations of autonomic dysfunction, reducing the risk of developing psychosomatic pathology.