IEEE Access (Jan 2024)
Image Dehaze Algorithm Based on Improved Atmospheric Scattering Models
Due to the influence of rainy and foggy weather, obtaining clear images becomes more challenging, often resulting in low visibility, poor contrast, and missing detail information. To address these issues, a robust image defogging algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the input image undergoes conversion into a detailed image, with attenuation and redefinition of its three color channels. Color compensation and balance are then applied based on the principle of minimizing color loss. Secondly, the problem of image darkening is tackled through an improved atmospheric scattering model (EASM) and the dark channel a priori algorithm. The defogging results exhibit noticeable enhancements in terms of bright colors and clear details. In the natural images showcased in the paper, the proposed algorithm achieves improvements in information entropy, the fog density evaluator (FADE), and the natural image quality evaluator (NIQE) by 0.46%, 9.7%, and 12.0%, respectively, compared to the suboptimal algorithm. In the synthetic image datasets I-HAZE and O-HAZE, there are enhancements in information entropy by 0.19% and 0.76%, respectively, and in NIQE by 1.05% each, albeit slightly lower than the sub-optimal results. The structural similarity (SSIM) also sees improvements of 6.3% and 10.9% compared to the suboptimal results in FADE. These findings demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed algorithm over the latest defogging algorithms in terms of information entropy, FADE, NIQE, and SSIM, underscoring its high robustness and promising application prospects.