Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Feb 2019)
The ways of protecting the medical confidentiality
The paper is devoted to the civil-law ways of protecting medical confidentiality. The general analysis of the term “method of protection” has been performed. Comparison with other related concepts has been carried out. The instrumental theory of law has been used to study the problems related to the protection of secrecy in general and, in particular, medical confidentiality. The mechanisms of the procedure for protection and restoration of the violated rights in the sphere of medical legal relations have been revealed. It has been established that the specificity of medical legal relations affects the way by which the judicial form of protection of medical confidentiality should be implemented. The fiduciary nature of the legal relations in the field of medical confidentiality must impose certain additional duties on the court with a view to sufficiently protecting the rights of persons participating in such matters. The paper also has practical recommendations for improving the current procedural legislation. The analysis of the feasibility of such an instrument as “adstringere” in relation to medical confidentiality has been performed. The paper also discusses the above-mentioned ways of protecting the violated civil rights. With the help of robotic programs and existing databases, a modern judicial practice on disputes related to the violation of the patient's rights to medical confidentiality has been thoroughly analyzed.