Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2021)
數學素養課程的轉銜Transition to the Literacy-Oriented Mathematics Curriculum
本文將「課程」定位於涵蓋教材、教法、教案、評量的國中階段數學課程。筆 者將古典的「學習經驗」概念連結至數學領綱「有感的學習機會」理念,並參照近年備受重視之「以人為本」的設計思考,歸納出教師帶著原有的專業能力轉銜至素養課程的關鍵改變,是意識的轉變。因此,本文所謂的「轉銜」是指教師的轉銜,但不是指教師的專業能力,而是指教師有意識地「同理」學生的感受,進而設計符合學習目標且「有感」的學習經驗。接著,筆者從七年級正負混合四則運算、指數與指數律這兩項學習內容,以及在數與量、幾何、函數主題中出現失焦的代數化現象,舉例說明前面宣告的意識為何要轉變,以及如何轉變。 This text addresses on the operational mathematics curriculum at the secondary stage which covers teaching materials, methods, plans, and assessments. Author starts with the classic concept of learning experiences, connects it to one of the five ideologies of the national curriculum for mathematics that concerns the opportunity of sensible learning experiences, refers to the methods and ideas of human-centered design thinking, and concludes that the crucial point for teachers to make the transition from original curriculum to the literacy-oriented curriculum is the sense of awareness: Consciously empathize the students experiences, and design the curriculum accordingly that aims at the goals and that makes sense to the students. Then the author selects examples from arithmetics, exponents and their properties, and some misleading algebraic formulations to suggest how the trisitions can be made.