Politeja (Apr 2018)
Problemy związane z badaniem opozycji politycznej (przypadek Polski)
Problems Associated with Analysing Political Opposition (Based on Poland) Studies on political opposition in the contemporary Poland present a range of difficulties and require making a lot of decisions. They are connected, among other things, with defining political opposition and determining designates that fall within the range of this definition, specifying conditions and measures tha enable individual political groups to be classified to its various types (mainly the conditions concerning distinguishing anti‑system opposition) and primarily determining the manner of ‘measuring’ the resistance degree assuming that ‘resistance’ is a variable that can assume various values. It is also significant to specify the degree of integrity (normative consensus and structural integrity) of opposition, i.e. the factor that influences its power of action. This paper presents these problems together with certain methods of solving them used in the studies conducted. It was concluded that studies in the subject of opposition require various methods and different research perspectives, including behaviourism and interpretationism.