Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte (Jan 2016)
Composição corporal, somatotipo e aptidão física de jovens atletas de futebol de campo
The aim of the study was to verify the profile of body composition, somatotype and physical fitness of young soccer players according game position. Twenty-three male players of the under-20 old were evaluated. The somatotype was calculated by anthropometric method and the body composition was measured through bioelectric impedance. Physical fitness was assessed through tests of lower limbs power, agility, speed, abdominal endurance and aerobic fitness. Variance analysis (one-way) was performed to compare game positions, followed by post-hoc of Tukey. For non-parametric data the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare game positions. The defenders and forwards are heavier and with larger amount of lean body mass (LBM) than midfielders and sidewards, furthermore, the defenders are higher than other players. The average of somatotype was of 2.63.7-3.3 (ectomorphic – mesomorphic), and no difference was found among game positions (p>0.05). Finally, midfileders and sidewards were faster than the goalkeepers and defenders (p<0.05). However, no difference was found among game positions for the other variables. In conclusion, defenders and forwards have advantages for anthropometric variables, however, midfileders and sidewards are fasters. The somatotype group was ectomorphic-mesomorphic