Nature Communications (Dec 2024)

Atomically engineering interlayer symmetry operations of two-dimensional crystals

  • Ziyi Han,
  • Shengqiang Wu,
  • Chun Huang,
  • Fengyuan Xuan,
  • Xiaocang Han,
  • Yinfeng Long,
  • Qing Zhang,
  • Junxian Li,
  • Yuan Meng,
  • Lin Wang,
  • Jiahuan Zhou,
  • Wenping Hu,
  • Jingsi Qiao,
  • Dechao Geng,
  • Xiaoxu Zhao

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 1
pp. 1 – 9


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Abstract Crystal symmetry, which governs the local atomic coordination and bonding environment, is one of the paramount constituents that intrinsically dictate materials’ functionalities. However, engineering crystal symmetry is not straightforward due to the isotropically strong covalent/ionic bonds in crystals. Layered two-dimensional materials offer an ideal platform for crystal engineering because of the ease of interlayer symmetry operations. However, controlling the crystal symmetry remains challenging due to the ease of gliding perpendicular to the Z direction. Herein, we proposed a substrate-guided growth mechanism to atomically fabricate AB′-stacked SnSe2 superlattices, containing alternating SnSe2 slabs with periodic interlayer mirror and gliding symmetry operations, by chemical vapor deposition. Some higher-order phases such as 6 R, 12 R, and 18 C can be accessed, exhibiting modulated nonlinear optical responses suggested by first-principle calculations. Charge transfer from mica substrates stabilizes the high-order SnSe2 phases. Our approach shows a promising strategy for realizing topological phases via stackingtronics.