Acta Medica Medianae (Sep 2001)
The paper gives an analyzes of the indicators of the social-economic situationof the schoolchildren families. The data are gathered by means of a questionnairefilled up by 262 families of the elementary schoolchildren in Niš as a results of thescientific project entitled "Health and Diseases of Schoolchildren". The research hasshown that the schoolchildren live in a nucleus family; regarding the parents'education, the dominant is high school level; the mothers are more often unemployedthan the fathers; the majority of the parents consider Yugoslav society as a "poor" oneand an important part of the family members are forced to turn to additional incomealso counting upon the help of relatives and friends. Regardless of the parents' level ofeducation, the majority of the examined do not go to the cinema, theater or any othercultural program. The majority of the parents think that the school programs have apositive effect upon appropriate childrens behavior.