LingVaria (Nov 2022)

Intensiwa typu orobić się w gwarze jednej wsi małopolskiej

  • Renata Kucharzyk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 2(34)


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INTENSIVES OF THE TYPE OROBIĆ SIĘ IN THE LOCAL DIALECT OF A LESSER POLAND VILLAGE The subject of the article includes dialectal verb formations with the prefix o- expressing the intensity of action, e.g. ochodzić się – `spend a long lime wandering’, orobić się – `slave away, work hard’, oszukać się – `look for a long time’. The analysis focused on several dozen selected derivatives functioning in the dialect of a village in Lesser Poland. Verbs with the structure o- + verb + się are very productive word-formation types in the dialect under study, as they can be formed from most imperfective verbs. The discussion takes into account the formal, semantic and functional aspects of the described verb formations.
