Psychology and its Contexts (Jun 2019)
Attitudes analysis about tattoo of students from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Comenius University in Bratislava
In the research we focus on opinions of students from FTVŠ UK about tattoos. Tattoos are defined as kind of needling colorful elements into injured skin. Tattoos are very popular among young people, however in our society there are various opinions on them. Tattoos are a form of self-expression, a reference to some social group, a fashion accessory or simple a need to differ from others. There are some health risks according to tattoos such as AIDS, hepatitis C or tetanus but also allergies, cysts or bleeding. Prejudices toward tattoos are lower when a person has his own tattoo on body. Some researchers found out that people who wear tattoos are more liable to alcohol and drug usage and their sexual behavior is more risky compared to people who don’t wear tattoos. Another research focused on relationship between wearing a tattoo and self-confidence or wearing a tattoo and personality characteristics. They found out that women who wear four or more tattoos seemed to be more self-confident compared to women who don’t wear any tattoo or who wear three or less tattoos. Another finding was that people who wear tattoos are more conscientious, extroverted, sexually unattached and they were in more need of attention and uniqueness compared to people who don’t wear any tattoo. Another topic is prejudice to tattoos and tattooed people entirely. Considering another research, it seemed to be common that people who don’t have tattoo have more prejudices to tattooed people regarding to larger area tattooed. So, the larger area on body is tattooed the more prejudices from people without tattoos are coming. Tattooed people seemed to be more tolerant to other people tattoos. We used a non-standardized questionnaire made by us to find out the opinions of students. Research sample consisted of 142 students (n=142), average age was 20,26 years. Following our findings, we found out that in our research sample there were 17,6% of respondents who have tattoo and even 83,8% of respondents like tattoos. In future would like to have a tattoo 39,4% of respondents, 23,2% don’t want any and 37,3% don’t know yet. Majority of respondents (57%) think that tattoo is considered neutral in our society, 40,2% think that tattoos are acceptable and 2,8% think that tattoos are not acceptable in our society. Moreover 90,1% of respondents consider tattoos as a form of art. The most objections to tattoos in various professions had health workers when 18,4% of respondents present they have a problem with health workers wearing a tattoo. Next profession with the most objections to tattoos was government workers with 17,6% and teachers, trainers and workers on official positions (such as bank workers or driver in public transport) least objections to tattoos (9,2%). Our respondents were very satisfied with their tattoos (75%) or satisfied with their tattoos (25%). None of our respondents was unsatisfied with his or her tattoo. The strongest motive to get a tattoo was a personally important event or memory in 60% of respondents with tattoo. In our research sample there were 4,2% smokers, 19,7% occasional smokers, 4,2% past smokers and 71,8% nonsmokers. We found a significant negative relationship between having a tattoo and use of alcohol and significant relationship between having a tattoo and planning to get a tattoo in future. Another finding is that there is a significant negative relationship between liking tattoos and objections against tattoos among healthcare workers.