Agronomía Colombiana (Dec 2013)
Variation in parameters related to growth in six genotypes of determinate shrub and indeterminate prostrated beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
A group of six common bean accessions of the Mesoamericano and Andino genetic groups of the Colombia national germplasm bank at the Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica) was evaluated using 41 quantitatives. The results revealed that five components explained 70.33% of the total variability of the six accessions and 13 variable were selected that were essential for differentiating the variation, including: dry weight of primary leaves, dry weight of trifoliate leaves, pod dry weight, seed dry weight, number of leaves, leaf area ratio (LAR), relative growth rate (RGR) and leaf temperature. Of the two groups of cultivars, the three Meso-American ones were less efficient in the translocation of assimilates than the Andean ones because they had a higher number of leaves and, even with a high LAR, seen as the ratio of assimilation material per unit of plant material, they did not present the higher RGR values on average. Specifically, the Meso-American cultivar Tolima 16, which presented a relatively high seed dry weight, and the Andean cultivars Mexico 497 and Antioquia 19, which had a relatively low number of leaves, presented a high pod dry weight and so were highly efficient. Mediante el empleo de 41 caracteres cuantitativos de tipo fisiológico se evaluó un grupo de seis accesiones de fríjol arbustivo de los acervos genéticos Mesoamericano y Andino del banco de germoplasma de la nación colombiano ubicado en la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica)