Névtani Értesítő (Dec 2013)

Névtan és terminológia 2: Névtan és egységesítés

  • Andrea Bölcskei,
  • Ágota Fóris

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35


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Onomastics and Terminology 2: Onomastics and Standardization In an attempt to address some current issues of geographical names standardization in Hungary and abroad, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics and the Research Group on Terminology of Károli Gáspár University, the Institute of Hungarian Language of Eötvös Loránd University, and the Society of Hungarian Linguistics, as this year’s session of the recently launched annual programme examining the relations of Onomastics and Terminology, organized a workshop entitled “Onomastics and Standardization” on 11th of June, 2013. Participants agreed that a permanent solution for the discussed applied toponomastic problems can only be achieved if a general consensus is reached among the representatives of the different fields of science and professions involved. The papers presented in the workshop as well as the conclusions drawn from the round table discussion are published in the Studies and Onomastics and Events sections, respectively, of our journal Névtani Értesítő.
