Cahiers de la Recherche sur l'Education et les Savoirs (May 2013)
Héritage colonial et appropriation du « pouvoir d’éduquer »
This article analyses over the long term the construction of what we call the “power to educate” and the organisation of ‘the school’ in the Republic Democratic of Congo, that is to say the school field. This article aims to identify the agents, institutions, logics, and strategies which have produced the institution of the school since the time of the Congo Free State, and especially since 1908, under the colony proper. Previous studies have emphasized the weakness and progressive breakup of relations between the Catholic Church and the state during and after the colonial era, which have contributed to the independence of the field of education. Taking a different approach, this article aims to highlight the school’s powerful rootedness in, and appropriation by, the history of the power to educate in the Congo.