Plasmonic Sensing and Switches Enriched by Tailorable Multiple Fano Resonances in Rotational Misalignment Metasurfaces
Xiaofeng Xu,
Xiao-Qing Luo,
Qinke Liu,
Yan Li,
Weihua Zhu,
Zhiyong Chen,
Wuming Liu,
Xin-Lin Wang
Xiaofeng Xu
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Xiao-Qing Luo
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Qinke Liu
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Yan Li
School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Weihua Zhu
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Zhiyong Chen
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Wuming Liu
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Xin-Lin Wang
Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra-Fast Micro/Nano Technology and Advanced Laser Manufacture, School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China
Fano resonances that feature strong field enhancement in the narrowband range have motivated extensive studies of light–matter interactions in plasmonic nanomaterials. Optical metasurfaces that are subject to different mirror symmetries have been dedicated to achieving nanoscale light manipulation via plasmonic Fano resonances, thus enabling advantages for high-sensitivity optical sensing and optical switches. Here, we investigate the plasmonic sensing and switches enriched by tailorable multiple Fano resonances that undergo in-plane mirror symmetry or asymmetry in a hybrid rotational misalignment metasurface, which consists of periodic metallic arrays with concentric C-shaped- and circular-ring-aperture unit cells. We found that the plasmonic double Fano resonances can be realized by undergoing mirror symmetry along the X-axis. The plasmonic multiple Fano resonances can be tailored by adjusting the level of the mirror asymmetry along the Z-axis. Moreover, the Fano-resonance-based plasmonic sensing that suffer from mirror symmetry or asymmetry can be implemented by changing the related structural parameters of the unit cells. The passive dual-wavelength plasmonic switches of specific polarization can be achieved within mirror symmetry and asymmetry. These results could entail benefits for metasurface-based devices, which are also used in sensing, beam-splitter, and optical communication systems.