Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos (Jun 2014)

Nuevos y permanentes retos para la enseñanza de la historia, las ciencias sociales y la educación para la ciudadanía en la enseñanza obligatoria en Finlandia. Conclusión de recientes investigaciones

  • Arja Virta

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1


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The article presents the main findings of studies carried out at the national and the international level, related to the teaching of History and Social Studies in compulsory education in Finland, and also shortly describes some considerations about these subjects’ curricula. The objectives for these two subjects, as well as the assessment criteria, in the present Curriculum for Elementary School have been designed for the development of cognitive competences since 2004. Furthermore, the purpose of these subjects is to contribute in the development of the students’ active and responsible role in society. Adolescents’ knowledge, their participation and attitudes related to citizenship, politics and society were investigated in two large scale international evaluations. Of interest is also the first national evaluation study (2012). Recent research provides contradictory messages about adolescents’ development. The cognitive development is at a good level, although the national assessment indicates problems in skills related to the learning of History and Social Studies.There are also new challenges that emerge from studies such as certain level of gender differences related to knowledge and attitudes. Finally, on the basis of this general overview, the article proposes some conclusions related to the teaching and the training of History and Social Studies teachers.
