EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (Mar 2019)
Energy efficient edge-of-things
Abstract Edge-of-Things (EoT) emerged as a novel computing and storage paradigm to overcome the limitations of IoT-cloud environment by providing cloud-like services at edge of the network. EoT offers a vast area for research and development as the invention has laid out great opportunities to experiment the possibilities for handling large data sets produced by the growing Internet-of-Things (IoT). The EoT offers a framework that lies between the cloud-to-end to perform the processing and cater the storage demands of the IoT applications. However, the exponential increase in EoT infrastructure resulted into extreme energy consumption. This paper finds the opportunity to address the issue of energy consumption in IoT-EoT environment by introducing dynamic speed scaling mechanism in EoT devices. The proposed approach is rigorously evaluated, and the verification is acquired through the simulations carried out on the simulator, iFogSim. The results show significant improvement in energy conservation by dynamically scaling the processor frequency of EoT devices according to the load variations in IoT traffic.