Macedonian Veterinary Review (Nov 2007)
Pelvi-caliceal system on pig kidney: a model for urologyc procedures in human medicine
The aim of the study was to establish a valid experimental model of pig kidney that can be used in experimental works in human medicine. The pig kidney collecting system was morphologically investigated on total 72 three dimensional silicones S10 corrosion endocast. Morphometrical evaluation was performed on caudal pole collecting system anatomy considering the caudal infidibular length, caudal infidibular width and caudal infidibulopelvic angle. The morphology on pelvi-caliceal system showed two different morphological forms witch in 52.77% of cases were bilateral symmetric. The caudal infidibular length was 3.09sm and the infidibular width was measured on 0.66mm. The extent of caudal infidibulopelvic angle measured between infidibular and pelvi-uretral axis was 50.14 o degrees. According the results in this study, there are many similarities in collecting system morphology between pig and human kidney. The resemblances in collecting system anatomy conduce to conclusion that the pig kidney is good animal model that could be used for urological procedures in the field of experimental human medicine.