Diversitas Journal (Nov 2016)
The social construction of the rural world by rural young people from the community of São Félix / A construção social do mundo rural pelos jovens rurais da comunidade do São Félix
The research was carried out in the rural community of São Félix, in Santana do Ipanema / AL. The aim of the research project was to explain how the rural youths, both migrant and non-migrant, represent socially the rural world. The technique of unstructured interview and ethnography was used. Fourteen interviews were conducted with young people and with two local leaders. Of the total number of respondents, nine are female and non-migrant and five are male and migrant. The place of family relationships is one of the positive meanings attributed by young people to the countryside. The rural area is also valued as a quiet space and contact with nature. It is worth mentioning that the difficulties of the rural world were emphasized by reference to the obstacles created by the distance from the city, by weakened education and by lack of employment. In this context, migration is guided by the search for employment to achieve independence from the parents and help the family. We also emphasize that the exit of the young people to the cities strengthens their social status before the community. In summary, the young people perceive the rural world as a good place to live and precarious in relation to the possibilities of realizing their life projects.